Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thing #23--Creative Commons

Creative commons is a topic that was gone over this class, watched a video and made a PowerPoint example on how we would teach it to our selected grade level/audience. I also watched a video about creative commons and copyright in my electronic imaging class three years ago. In the art world especially, knowing from who and where you are pulling your ideas from is very important so the proper credit goes to that person and no toes are stepped on in the process. You also have to make sure that it is legal to use the photos/videos or other media associated with someone; also known as getting their permission. This is a problem rampant on many art sharing websites of today... so one website, deviantART began to offer a creative commons license to place underneath a work after it was uploaded. The artist could then choose how a work could be used, or how if it could be used at all. The website also offered a "watermark" or light mark (usually the deviantART logo) that runs across the entire picture so that if it is stolen, that mark will remain on it no matter what and everyone who sees the image will know it was taken from that person on deviantART.

I will definitely be teaching my students about appropriation of things found online, and stressing the importance of copyright as they create their own work; most especially if we are creating digital images. Their English teachers will already be telling them about plagiarism so hopefully it will be easy for them to connect those ideas.

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