Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thing #15--Wikis

Well I could not get the sandbox to work for me, therefore I opted to do the optional assignment. I keep getting angry at the blogging/page technology, so why not learn to like it by playing with it and making it truly useful? I spent a little too much time exploring the wiki page, and through much trial and error I was able to translate a timeline assignment from my art education methods class into a viewable webpage. It was pretty cool I must admit! And I'm most likely going to use this as my own website once I am a full-fledged teacher; it's just so cool and very useful! I can store all sorts of information about history movements, artists, class assignments and everything inbetween on this wiki page for my students to view. This assignment was very fun and turned out to be an eye-opener for me. I hope everyone makes their own wiki page!

Also, here's a link to my wiki page, it's still under construction so any critiques or advice someone has for it would be greatly appreciated : )

Ms. Parker's wikipage

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