Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thing #5--Web/School 2.0

Web 2.0 was defined as a "new" web that's ineractive as opposed to an older "read-only" web where users could only look up information and read it... not respond. And that's what web 2.0 seems to be all about! Interacting, reading and responding to what you read through comments, or maybe even pictures or videos! The possibilities seem endless with all of this new technology. But the idea of web 2.0 seems to focus soley on participation. Everyone that stumbles across a blog can read it, chose to respond, and keep a conversation going with people that could live down the street, halfway across the country, continent or the globe! Getting perspectives from all over the world is something invaluable, because our way of life can be very different to those far away, so interacting with them online is a very good experience. But I'm getting a little off topic here...

Social networking seems to be the biggest thing about web 2.0 now, with twitter, facebook, myspace, pinterest, diggo, etc. all of these websites have the common factor of sharing. Sharing interests, experiences, photos, etc. and it's amazing to see. I feel sometimes like the internet has taken over our lives, though I'm not really one to talk... ever since my mother created a facebook for me, I slowly have become addicted to posting daily, if not weekly and reading up on all my friends through a newsfeed, or doing what people jokingly refer to as "creeping" or "facebook stalking" people to get to know them better through their likes, interests, and more. Sometimes I feel like too much sharing is going on, but our society seems to be accepting this idea readily, and those that don't like it are left behind.

But as for it's use in schools, web 2.0 could be a very fun and cool tool for class. Children love being involved with technology, especially since this generation has never seen a time where a flat screen t.v. with the internet on it hasn't existed. Or something with a touchscreen so one can scroll through pictures quickly, and zoom with a simple tap. I read a study once that a baby walked up to a t.v. and tried to change the channel by sliding her finger across the screen... children are just so used to what we deem "new" advances in technology, it's time to jump on board and learn what we can so we can stay on top of it in the classroom! Therefore, back to how it can be useful... as I stated in an earlier post, a teacher could use a blog or other type of website to showcase a class and it's members, activities, achievements, projects, and many other things. If it was a blog, students could comment on what the teacher has posted, giving their opinions or asking questions. A chatroom could be set up and the teacher can let her students know when she'll be available online to chat with to answer questions students come up with as they do homework, or simply to give advice if one is struggling with an idea, or a paper, or anything really! It opens up the world of availability of the teacher as a resource. And it makes the classroom larger than just the physical place... a student could log on while they're out of town to stay updated, or if a teacher keeps some sort of a log, students could look back to their time in that teacher's classroom for memories, or for resources.

The use of web 2.0 and it's wonders are limitless. I feel like I could talk all night about it! (er, all morning...) so I'll just leave you with this... where do you think we'll be in about five years? Ten years? I'm so anxious and excited to find out!

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