Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thing #2--Blog creating experience

I decided to simply use my real name as my posting name so that it is easy for me to remember, and not as embarrassing as using my online aliases. I'm a bit of a geek, so it seems like it would be unprofessional to use those names for this purpose. I chose my blog name for a similar reason; I chose to simply use my name and the current year so I can easily remember it and hopefully it will be easier for my professor to find and read : )

Creating the blog however was very stressful. I didn't keep up with my username, password and url so it was hard to find my blog. I therefore had to recreate it and start over, luckily I had only done things 1-3 so catching up isn't so bad. But this experience scared me, and taught me that I need to take better care of my many usernames and passwords. Blogging in general however looks really fun, but when you have no time it seems a bit silly. Especially since I already spend too much time on Facebook and Google as it is (when I can't sleep I google animals and draw them).

As for my avatar, or my "doppleme" I feel is a good representation of myself. I am often confused or find myself donning a look of surprise often. I prefer to wear comfortable clothing over something "cute"or professional when I can avoid it, thus she's wearing a simple t-shirt, some jeans and tennis shoes. It was hard to find a hair style that fit though haha, cause my hair is so odd. It's not straight, but not curly, a strange wavy mix that changes with the weather; flat in dry weather, and curly in humidity. She's not holding anything for now because although I love coffee, I'm too poor to buy it daily at Starbucks! So I make my own. Once I have another coin she'll be holding a pony though, I can guarantee you that, to show off my dorkiness. (I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!)

Overall, the creation experience for the blog was alright, and I learned a valuable lesson: keep a record of all your passwords, usernames and url addresses! It was pretty easy to get this together the second time around though, so there's my silver lining. I hope I'm able to get the hang of this new technology and stay up to date with all the progress so I'm not behind my students in the future!

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